Monday, January 12, 2009

Playing the Brain Turner iPhone Game

Sharpen Your Brain with Brain Turner!

Playing the Brain Turner iPhone game is one of the best ways to sharpen your mind and improve your calculation powers. This unique iPhone application was released in August 2008, and since then has been one of the top 10 free downloaded iPhone gaming application. The Brain Turner application is featured in the iTunes App Store, under the games category. This simple, yet challenging mathematical game is popular among all iPhone users, irrespective of age.

Apart from being an extremely addictive and time passing game, Brain Turner also has a prominent value. By activating all the brain cells, the application helps repels deterioration of several physical diseases. The main objective of the Brain Turner application is to apply your brain and solve series of mathematical problems. The challenge is to complete as many as problems you in the shortest time.

The Game Features
This unique application features nothing but simple basic math that you have to recognize and solve as quickly as possible. The application offers extremely easy calculations that anybody could solve otherwise. But as there is a constant pressure of the time, users tend to make silly mistakes and often get confused.

This fun and addictive iPhone game can be played on your iPhone by tapping and touching the screen. The option menu on the application allows you to choose the kind of calculation you would prefer. You can choose from the following option; only positive numbers, little numbers, big numbers, more negative numbers etc. You can also specify whether you want the right/wrong sound that features in this application.
With simple user interface and game play, Brain Turner is considered to be one of the popular mathematical games ever created for the device by iPhone application developers. So, get the Brain Turner application downloaded on your iPhone and sharpen your thinking process and calculating abilities.

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